2017 - currently: research fellow - University of Pécs Grastyán Endre Research Centre, Szentágothai Research Centre
2014 - 2017: assistant research fellow - University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Szentágothai Research Centre
2009 - 2014: PhD student- University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences Experimental Zoology and Neurobiology
2010 - 2014: PhD student - Unviersity of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences. Biology Doctoral School
Supervisor: Dr. István Hernádi, associate professor - PhD thesis: A kolinerg és glutamáterg neurotranszmisszió interakciójának vizsgálata kognitív zavarok állatkísérletes modelljeiben
2005 - 2010: Biology MSc - University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. István Hernádi - Thesis: Monoamin neurotranszmitterek kimutatása és kvantitatív mérése voltammetriával
Szarka, N, Toth, L, Czigler, A, Kellermayer, Z, Ungvari, Z, Amrein, K, Czeiter, E, Bali, ZK, Tadepalli, SA, Wahr, M, Hernadi, I, Koller, A, Buki, A, Toth, P. (2019) Single Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Induces Persistent Disruption of the Blood-Brain Barrier, Neuroinflammation and Cognitive Decline in Hypertensive Rats. Int J Mol Sci 20(13):3223. doi: 10.3390/ijms20133223
Bali, ZK, Nagy, LV, Budai, D, Hernádi, I. (2019) Facilitation and inhibition of firing activity and N-methyl-D-aspartate evoked responses of CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells by alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor selective compounds in vivo. Sci Rep 9:9324. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-45796-7
Bali ZK, Bruszt N, Tadepalli SA, Csurgyók R, Nagy LV, Tompa M, Hernádi I. (2019) Cognitive enhancer effects of low memantine doses are facilitated by an alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist in scopolamine-induced amnesia in rats. Front Pharmacol 10:73. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00073
Budai D, Vizvári AD, Bali ZK, Márki B, Nagy LV, Kónya Z, Madarász D, Henn-Mike N, Varga C, Hernádi I. (2018) A novel carbon tipped single micro-optrode for combined optogenetics and electrophysiology. PLoS One 13(3):e0193836. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193836
Bali ZK, Nagy LV, Hernádi I. (2017) Alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Play a Predominant Role in the Cholinergic Potentiation of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Evoked Firing Responses of Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Cells. Front Cell Neurosci 11:271. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2017.00271
Bali ZK, Inkeller J, Csurgyók R, Bruszt N, Horváth H, Hernádi I. (2015) Differential effects of α7 nicotinic receptor agonist PHA-543613 on spatial memory performance of rats in two distinct pharmacological dementia models. Behav Brain Res 278:404-10. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2014.10.030
Bali ZK, Budai D, Hernádi I. (2014) Separation of electrophysiologically distinct neuronal populations in the rat hippocampus for neuropharmacological testing under in vivo conditions. Acta Biol Hung 65(3):241-51. doi: 10.1556/ABiol.65.2014.3.1
Kovács Z, Slézia A, Bali ZK, Kovács P, Dobolyi A, Szikra T, Hernádi I, Juhász G. (2013) Uridine modulates neuronal activity and inhibits spike-wave discharges of absence epileptic Long Evans and Wistar Albino Glaxo/Rijswijk rats. Brain Res Bull 97:16-23. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2013.05.009
Budai D, Hernádi I, Mészáros B, Bali ZK, Gulya K. (2010) Electrochemical responses of carbon fiber microelectrodes to dopamine in vitro and in vivo. Acta Biol Szeged 54(2):155-60.
Bali Zs. K., Bruszt N., Tadepalli S. A., Göntér K., Nagy L. V., Hernádi Zs., Hernádi I. (2019) Pszichomotoros vigilancia teszt patkányokban: egy nagy transzlációs potenciállal rendelkező magatartási paradigma öregedéssel járó kognitív hanyatlás és farmakológiai kezelések vizsgálatára. A Magyar Kísérletes és Klinikai Farmakológiai Társaság Gyógyszerinnovációs Kongresszusa, 2019, Gárdony, Magyarország
Bali Zs. K., Bruszt N., Tadepalli S. A. Nagy L. V., Tompa M., Csurgyók R., Klepe A., Hernádi I. (2018) Cognitive enhancer effects of NMDA antagonist memantine and alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist PHA-543613 in a scopolamine-induced dementia model in rats. Alzheimer's Research UK Conference 2018, London, UK
Nagy, L. V., Bali, Zs. K., Kapus, G., Hernádi, I. (2018) Local and systemic effects of D-serine modulation on the firing activity of hippocampal CA1 neurons in vivo. In: 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, 2018, Berlin, Németország
Bali Zs. K., Bruszt N., Tadepalli S. A., Nagy L. V., Tompa M., Csurgyók R., Klepe A., Hernádi I. (2017) Alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist PHA-543613 improves novel object recognition memory and reverses age-related impairments in rats. In: FENS Regional Meeting 2017, Pécs, Magyarország
Budai, D., Vizvári, A., Bali, Zs. K., Márki, B., Nagy, L. V., Henn-Mike, N., Varga, Cs., Hernádi, I. (2017) A novel carbon tipped single optrode for combined electrophysiological and electrochemical recordings in vivo. In: FENS Regional Meeting 2017, Pécs, Magyarország
Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT) - member
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) - member
Number of peer reviewed publications: 13
Impact factor: 41,161
Cummulative citations: 142 (independent 116)
ORCiD: 0000-0003-0712-0788
MTMT: 10020950
Researchgate: Zsolt K Bali
Twitter: @ZsoltBali1
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PcfiMnAAAAAJ&hl=en